Located at 1006 Macleod Tr SE in the historic Bell Block in Victoria Park. In the vicinity of Village Ice Cream, Cowboys Casino and not too far away from the Saddledome. Open Thursday - Monday. 12-5pm usually but check Instagram stories for that days official hours. We're usually closed on holidays.
There's more in the store than what you see online including vintage collections from guest vendors, jewelry, accessories, hats and vinyl. Plus, it's cool AF inside, it's not a bad place just to hang out for a bit.
And the store has available workshop space and a photo studio with available rental hours.
You can find Roadrunner Vintage setting up shop and many of the local (Calgary) markets during the season, including the famous and best western vintage market in Alberta - the Honky Tonk Market. Check out the markets page for dates and times and follow our socials to find out where we'll be popping up next